
Mmmmhh - chocolateMmmmmh, chocolate, what wellness !

As the legend goes, it was Quetzalcoatl, the Toltecan god of vegetation and its renewal, represented by a plumed serpent, who taught mankind how to cultivate the cocoa bushes and prepare the “tchocoatl” – a divine beverage conferring strength and health. It is here that we find the origin of the technical name of the cocoa bush: Theobroma cacao. In Greek Theobroma means “food of the gods”.

Enough of the traditional ideas!

No, chocolate will not make you fatter than any other food substances. If you don’t abuse it, it’s even good for your health. And in particular dark chocolate which contains much less sugar and fatty acids than white or milk chocolate. So that you do not notice it when you weigh yourself, you have to keep a well-balanced diet.

No, chocolate does not lead to caries. In the ranking of sweet foodstuffs, chocolate lags behind grapes, chips and even bread! In addition, cocoa contains 3 substances guaranteed as anti agents to caries: polyhydroxyphenol which stops microbes developing, fluoride which strengthens dental enamel and phosphates which attack the acids produced by sugar.

No, chocolate does not generate a liver crisis. This term is often confused with indigestion. You can have indigestion after a chocolate orgy…

No, chocolate does not give you blackheads. At present there is no medical study allowing us to confirm any link between eating chocolate and acne.

No, chocolate does not produce cholesterol. Cocoa butter consists of a balance between saturated fatty acids, responsible for “bad” cholesterol, and unsaturated fatty acids for “good” cholesterol.

No, chocolate is not bad when you feel down in the dumps. A little bar and you already feel better.

Well, are you now convinced that a good chocolate snack, without abusing it, is good for your health?

MAOUSSI (Luxembourg)

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